My name is Victoriya. I have started my search on the Internet from December 2007.I was registered in few agencies,including EM, city of brides. I received a lot of letters. Many men was interested in me, but after 2-3 letters I understand, that all of them are not serious and even don't remember who I am. I already didn't believe that I choose good way for my search and that all agencies only try to earn money. After some time I have found in Internet Kharkov marriage agency "Ma-Dame". I have decided to try it also. because it is in my city and I can go in their office myself. I like the team of this agency and believe again that I can to find my love. After 4 weeks I already had result. I had correspondence with Aaron, he was very interesting in me and after 2 month of our correspondence and few phone conversations, he decided to visit me in Kharkov. It was really very big surprise that young man 28 years old is such serious and ready to come from Australia to meet me. Our first meeting was fantastic. We spend 2 weeks in August of 2009 in Kharkov and had very good romantic time. I just have understood, that he is my soul mate. But for me was very difficult to understand, how we can build relation, if we live in different parts of world.
Aaron invited me in Australia in May, so I thought that we maybe forgot each other after 8 months. But we talked by the phone and Skype every 2-3 days and finally on May holidays I went in his country. Aaron helped me with all - to make passport, documents, visa and send me tickets. I am very happy that I have found forces to fly by the half of world for the sake of our happiness. We spend 2 weeks there , as 1 day. I didn't want to go back to Ukraine, but I need it.
I need to open visa of the bride and fly to marry in Australia with my Aaron. We had very difficult way, but now we are happy. Thank you very much that you found for me my happiness.
Regards, Vctoriya and Aaron