What to say ?
For a new agency in Kharkov, "Ma-Dame" presents a very interesting catalog of charming ladies.
The website is very pleasant, and nice to look. The profile of ladies are easy to consult, and all the articles for the different services, the possibilities of payment, or to join the managers, are well-documented.
The managers, Nataliya and Viktoriya, give all the best for you. We know how many difficult it is to satisfy everybody in this world, but they try to help you by the existing services or to propose you an adapted service. Don't forget in this agency the husband of Nataliya, Christophe, who gives the best of him to help his wife ! ;))
Thanks to him for his devotion when I came in February !
Don't hesitate to start a correspondence with a Lady from Kharkov, they are charming ! And the first letter is free. ;))
Claude, Translator, France.