Birthdate: 17.09.1962
Age: 62
Marital status: Separated
Children: 3 but all indipendent
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 80 kg
Profession: International Consultant
Bad habits: Smoking
Country: Italy
City: Bardolino
About me
I am a determined and self-sufficient man. I like beautiful things and I like to give quality to my life and to those close to me. I am not only attracted by the economic aspects but by the curiosity in knowing what surrounds me. I consider myself a realistic, pragmatic but also generous and charming person. I can appear presumptuous and sometimes arrogant but I don't like platitudes. I raised my children by constantly providing for their training needs, stimulating them the pleasure of knowledge and encounter with diversity. I have always been a freelancer, I have gone through periods of great responsibility in the work and social fields where I have poured out a lot of my energy and where I have had prestigious positions. I always look far, but courage is essential to live fully. I have travelled to all continents and would like to continue doing it with my partner. I can't have children yet, but I will support my partner with commitment, attention and care if she has any. I am interested in an inspiring, intelligent and tasteful person. A woman who takes care of her inner and outer aspect of her, a strong personality, aware, passionate and curious. She endowed with Charm. Beauty is not automatically synonymous with class and charm is a talent that develops over time. Correctness, reliability, expressive language properties are certainly part of the relationship as well as the interest in one's family.